Chairperson: Dario Maravall Gomez-Allende
Co-chairperson: Javier de Lope Asiain
The development of advanced cognitive robotic systems has produced a growing interest in a novel specialized niche in robotics , namely, Human-robot interaction or HRI for short. HRI systems is also the result of a paradigm shift from Semi- autonomous Robotic Systems to Heteronomous human-Robot systems based on the concept of shared and adjustable autonomy in which cognition and intelligence is simultaneously present and active in both robots and humans, usually under the supervision of a human agent. In other words, it seems that research and development interests in robotics have evolved towards the development of advanced robots that are able to operate not only semi-autonomously but also to interact as true partners with humans: “from human-supervised controlled robots to collaborative partner robotsâ€.
The aim of this Special session is to promote the discussion about the issues and challenges arising in the theoretical foundations of this emergent field and also to present advanced and original practical applications.
We propose the following non exhaustive list of topics :